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Auditions Resources


  • An interview at which a singer, actor, dancer or musician demonstrates their suitability and skill. It typically involves the perform displaying their talent through a previously memorized and rehearsed solo piece or by performing a work or piece given to the performer at the audition or shortly before.


  • A speech presented by a single character, most often to express their inner thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience.


  • Audition monologues and or poems may be found online; from plays; poetry collections or anthologies; audition books or created by yourself from novels. Be sure to check the audition requirements to ensure you do not chose a monologue that is too long. It is best to time your piece to avoid being cut off by the audition panel. Please explore monologues that are age appropriate and relate-able to some degree. To choose a piece, read it out loud and if it peeks your interest within the first few sentences read on. If it does not grab you right away then move on to another selection.  


  • Always arrive early to fill out any required paperwork and to warm up.


  • Dress comfortably and make sure your hair is off your face.


  • Be prepared! Perform a piece that you know well and are confident with.


  • Consider wearing a costume and or bringing props to enhance your performance.


  • Enter the audition space with confidence, introduce yourself to the audition panel and present your resume and picture at that time.


  • Once you are instructed to begin your performance take a minute to breathe and focus yourself.


  • If for whatever reason you make a mistake, do not apologize. Simply request to begin again (most directors are understanding and want to see you succeed!).


  • Make sure you have a clear ending to your audition. Hold the final moment, bow your head or turn your back to let the character go.


  • Answer any questions the audition panel might have with brief answers. Do not chit-chat as they have many actors to see after you.


  • If you are performing an excerpt from a play make sure you have read the play!


  • Be sure to know who you are, where you are and who you are talking to!


  • Do not ask for feedback. If it is freely offered by the audition panel then please take it all in with grace and kindness.


  • Thank the audition panel for their time and exit the space quickly. Do not ask when you will be contacted.

We acknowledge that the land on which Growing In The Arts School of Dramatic & Expressive

Arts is situated, are the land of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe and neutral people.

We recognize and appreciate the enduring presences and deep traditional knowledge, laws and

philosophies of the indigenous peoples with whom we are fortunate to share this land with

today.  We are treaty people, with a responsibility to honor all relations and affirm the collective

commitment to make the promise of meaningful truth and reconciliation real in the community. 

We remember the children that were forced to attend residential schools; those that did not return home and those that have yet to be found. We honor the children that deserved love and kindness; a life with culture, teachings and ceremony. We will never never forget that every child matters.

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